Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"The Music Business Is Worse Than The Dope Game....." Ummmm....Ooookay?

Often I hear people say this. And often I give them the same confused and bewildered look I have given to many people time and time again. Ummmm..... the dope game? I don't even smoke cigarettes! How can I possibly understand the correlation of the music industry to a crack cocaine dealer? Right. I'm still confused.
But after constantly studying, and peddling my way through the industry I have realized a few basic truths that may encompass the meaning behind the dope game phrase, as well as running across some one who may be able to help us.

For one, 80% of the people in this business are dishonest. They will steal from you, lie to you, and basically do any thing they can to get that next "fix" i.e. deal, to include almost selling their souls to the devil. Which, is where I believe the phrase "This business is worse than the dope game" actually comes from. Buuuuut..... if not, I'm still confused.

But! In my travels I have been very fortunate to meet some very loyal and experienced pioneers in the industry beginning with Robert Terell. Mr Terell is the owner of Wealth Nation, a quickly growing and dynamic Management Firm catering to Indie Artists and Labels seeking that extra "push" in their careers and network. Take a look at an excerpt I was able to find summarizing his experience breifly:

(Hype Magazine) "Robert Terell is a serial entrepreneur, whose areas of expertise include brand development, personal finance and business management. Terell has more than 16 years of experience in the entertainment industry including; business management, A&R, international marketing and deal negotiation. He currently holds the position of A&R Director and Project Manager with IMG Recordings, which is distributed via Warner Brothers, Sony, EMI and Universal Music Group." Needless to say, he is "DA PLUG".

Fortunately for me I was able to briefly encounter Mr. Terell as I was applying for a position as an Entertainment Executive for Wealth Nation. During my initial interview he candidly and honestly discussed with me the "New Dynamic" of the music indsutry, and how the age of walking into a label and getting signed off of "being hot" with no internet presence or numbers has pretty much gone down the drain. He explained that in 2014 you need money, and above that, you need a plan. In other words, direction in this industry is much more important than speed. As there are 43 million unsigned artists in the world going nowhere, FAST.

But as I usually do, once my interview was over I began to research Wealth Nation, as well as Mr. Terell just to double check his accomplishments and accolades to find that he is VERY connected and well versed in the music industry, as well a teacher, motivational speaker, mentor and father. In addition, as I was reading an excerpt from an article in Hype Magazine (that I sourced for much of the information in this blog) I was able to find out a few of the initial questions that he asks artists BEFORE working with them, that could not only better prepare an unsigned artist for working with him, but also help an unsigned artist gage what areas they need to focus on period, so that they may be better equipped to speak with industry executives. Please see the excerpt below: (Source Hype Magazine)

 What do you seek to learn about each artist prior to working with them?

1. What is their REAL budget? What portion do they have access to NOW!!

2.What does their current online/offline presence look like right now? Ie: social media, blog sites, press, etc. What’s their street buzz like in their own market and surrounding markets? Do they have a genuine fanbase? What equity has been built into their brand locally, regionally, and nationally?

3.What is their ultimate objective? A Major Record Deal? Distribution Deal? Label Deal? Management? Licensing Deal? Merchandising? Etc.

4. What’s their personality like? Worth Ethic? Ability to listen? Focus? Passion? Discipline?

5. What is their industry IQ?

6. Who are they currently working with? Ie: Management, Producers, Labels, Networks, and other Artists

7. What type of deals are they in or have they signed and what’s the status of those deals?

Great right? Exactly! Very pertinent information for an artist who is serious about his or her career and who is looking to make the right moves, with the right people. I, of course read the entire article, in which I will put the link below, so that you can read it later for more resourcing and information.

So! That pretty much sums up our "Dope Game" lesson for today. Lol! Brief it was, but very informative. If applied correctly and carefully, you can take that tid bit of information about Mr. Terell, Wealth Nation, and his thoughts on the "New Industry Dynamic", and position yourselves to take your musical career to new heights. I charge you to research him, study his business model as I will, and make sure your head is in the game. Not the dope game though, the REAL game, called LIFE. Which for most of us, this music is just that, our life.

Until next time!!!!! I wish you Love! Peace! Annnnnnnnnd SOOOOOOOUL!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

Hype Magazine Link - Story on Robert Terell and Wealth Nation:

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